Life Activation
Note: the Modern Mystery School foundation sessions must be in person.
Due to Virus recommendations all foundation sessions are available
following current health recommendations.

Awaken your divine blueprint using the wisdom of King Salomon. Unlock doors to access your talents and abilities and deeper connection to your spiritual intuition. Empower true change in your life!

Life Purpose Transformation Sessions

The Life Activation is required before any other service. The client is fully dressed and will be seated, standing or lying on a massage table during the session to access the needed points.

Individual session $250. Can be combined in series of 3 or more to fit your goals and progression. 

Life Activation

Awakens the latent DNA in your body. Build insight to reach your full potential in this life. Balance your emotions and health. Great for stress, depression, and frustration in life.

Full Spirit Activation

Connects to your spirit essence, Be more present, see through filters. This opens the door to connect to your spirit or infinite self and uncover your true purpose in life.

Goddess ISIS Emotional Body Rebirth

This recharge causes a death and rebirth of the emotional body. Creates a revitalized mental and physical state of being. Experience more energy, use of brain capacity and more vitality. Recommended when you are being pushed emotionally by life.

Purification by Light

Includes Emotional Cord Release and Negative Intent Removal. Clear stuck energy from relationships and more. Advanced clearing techniques open the way to living empowered and alive. Remove blocks from your pas

Life Purpose Series
Hermetic Path Clearing
Hermetic Path Clearing

Push through blocks by clearing the hermetic paths in your energy field. Awaken strength to accomplish your goals and attract abundance.
Series of 3 sessions - $750  
Packages are recommended in series of 3 or more for best effect.

Ensofic Ray Advanced Reiki Series

Ensofic Ray Advanced Reiki Series

Reset by connecting to source energy called EnSof in ancient text. Clear and heal negative thoughts and patterns down to your core. Reboot your life with source code for empowerment and success.
Series of 3 sessions - $750  
Packages are recommended in series of 3 or more for best effect.